
Molly the Dog

MEEEOOOWWW!!! This animal is such a ruff stuff we had to share these wonderful photos, even though Molly's not a kitty...

"Nice kitty impersonation, Molly, ohhhh you so pretty, but you SMELL like a dirty puppy!"

mmmrrreeeooowwwwww :) what a sweet sugarbear hunny bunny!


Oh, Toonces...

how was your trip across Siberia? glad you made it back from the motherland safely. don't worry little commie - we have love for all kitties, even RED ones. come back to our blog soooon!

Space Cases

whatyou looking at booshtas? i don't know your names, or who you belong to, but you sooooo pretty!!!! come live with me in my house and purr when i rub your bellies!



Cute kitties and their monkey counterparts----\/

PUBES the cat-----\/


Fragile -- pronounce frah-gee-lay -- lived in BlueLake, CA, and probably still does, but she is no longer this cute. Sad to say, but that's the effects of age. I would still snuggle, though. We got love for Fragile at SleepyEyes!



I used to live with a cat named Baby, and she was the prettiest little kitty I'd ever laid my eyes on. I don't know if you've every heard that song Green Eyed Lady, but it pretty much sums it all up for me. Enjoy!!! these shots of Baby, taken mid-2007, and don't even think about stealing them for your "cat calendar" that you're scanning the internet for pictures for.

She really liked to hangout in the thresholds of the house

...sleeping on her own paws, OMG, so cute

...a very fickle animal, Baby would sit where ever she pleased and would slash you if you tried to touch her. She eventually lightened up enough for me to photograph her, and then snuggle.