
Marbles, Part 3

We have sleepy eyes for Marbles the kitty...

...he and Dolce can make biscuits here as much as they like.


Marbles, Part 2

Hey Marbles! What 'chu doing up there all by yourself? You wanna come down and play?

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Come down! You want some help?

Awww kitty, are you stuck on the roof?

What a dare devil!

Hey mah kitty, you look so silly with your fang tooth. You are so soft and fuzzy and cute.


God Hearts Felines

We snagged this drawing out of The Portland FunBook 3; This drawing is awesome! Not sure who drew it, or I would give them praises.


Marbles, Part One

HELLO Marbles! It's nice of you to visit! Yes, of course I will come out and play with you!

Awwwww, look at your eyes! So green! OMG, and you have a fang! What a cutie patootie, I want to hold you forever and feel you purr.

Hey, Dolce, wake up! Come get some sugars like Marbles is doing.



in honor of a friend of our's new blog, MAKING BISCUITS, we have a video with this strange phenomenon occuring in a small kitten. OMG, kittens are the bomb.blogspot.com!



'neaky nooshta

i is 'neakin up on you and you can't see me....

ninja kitty


Kittens Inspired by Kittens

kittens are the cutest animals, and this video captures MONDO CUTENESS, a must see!!

watch this YouTube video and yell "kitty!" at the end, and a baby kitten will fall out of the sky into your lap!